Our Products & Services

Our line of low-salt, chloride-free liquid fertilizers can be safely used near the seed for better fertilizer efficiency.
Discover how you can maximize seed growth and production.
Our line of high-efficiency, quality micronutrients offer superior uptake, are easy to use, and are compatible with different types of fertilizers, many herbicides, and insecticides.
Learn more on how to best supplement your fertilizer.
We offer a line of technologically advanced, easy-to-handle products to improve soil health and yield potential, including humic solutions and pelletized limestone and gypsum products.
Find out how easy it is to improve your soil’s health.
We provide easy access to a broad range of OMRI Listed® crop nutrients and soil amendments approved for organic use.
Learn how we can service your organic nutrient needs.
Our experienced sales team works closely with our dealer network to ensure access to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash (NPK) products, the major building blocks of all fertilizers.
See our line of products or contact a member of our sales team.

Our Farm Centers offer an extensive selection of products and services that are vital to successful crop production.
Our Ag Advisors’ expertise, combined with modern technology, provides growers with solutions to maximize crop production and income.
We have been serving the ag community for 75 years. Our grain facilities located across the U.S. accept corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, and other commodities.
As commodity markets become more volatile, a proper risk management strategy is essential for continued profitability. This is why we offer many different risk-management programs and solutions through our Freedom® Pricing Tools.
The Andersons is a trusted buyer of grains, oilseeds, food-grade soybeans, and organic crops with grain terminals throughout Ontario, Canada. We find global markets for customers’ grain and specialty crops and offer risk management solutions through our Freedom® Pricing Tools.

The Andersons is helping to alleviate the world’s carbon footprint, as well as continuing to drive value to the company, through both existing practices within our renewables business and our strategic investments.
We have grain terminals across North America that buy and sell corn, soybean, and wheat, as well as other commodities.
We excel in domestic and international trading from our decades of experience of marketing ethanol products and plant operations.
Merchandising physical commodities is the core of our business. Our strategically located facilities allow us to effectively and efficiently merchandise and trade commodities as well as focus on physical delivery based on demand.
We have a comprehensive logistics network that provides extensive transportation support. We’ll take care of freight logistics, arranging for delivery via truck, rail, vessel, or container.
We offer an innovative high-protein feed ingredient that is corn-based and highly digestible, as well as low in both fiber and anti-nutritional compounds.
We specialize in the trading and transportation of propane, butane, and natural gas across North America.
As an integral piece of the renewable feedstocks industry, you need a partner who drives innovation and ensures a reliable, high-quality supply of feedstock inputs.
We specialize in supplying high-quality bulk feed ingredients to livestock producers, feed mills, and large, multi-national companies. Our dedicated ingredient team ensures the highest feed quality, dependable delivery, and the most competitive prices.
The Andersons is committed to ensuring a consistent, high-quality supply of pet food ingredients.

The Andersons four ethanol plants refine corn into ethanol, a renewable, low-cost, clean-burning, high-octane fuel product for refiners, fuel blenders, and convenience stores.
We are a trusted distributor of high-quality E-85 fuel for U.S. retailers.
We currently have a supply agreement with a major liquified CO2 and dry ice provider that turns the CO2 into liquid CO2 for beverages as well as dry ice for food (frozen food, catering, etc.) and cleaning (ice blasting) applications.
We partner with other companies to provide feedstocks used to produce renewable diesel, resulting in reducing carbon emissions and delivering strong performance.

From blasting and polishing to spill cleanup and environmental restoration, our granular materials have been making light work of big jobs for decades.
Our granular expertise is a hallmark of The Andersons. By leveraging our experience and advanced granular technologies, we have made some of the most stubborn chemistry perform beyond expectations.
We provide manufacturing and packaging services, as well as research and development, regulatory, and marketing expertise, to some of the largest branded marketing and chemical companies in the world.
We can help you move your product from concept to market.
Our fabrication shop specializes in railcar component manufacturing as well as custom design and fabrication of mild steel, aluminum, and stainless-steel items.
Our facilities manufacture, package, distribute, and inventory a broad range of dry and liquid industrial products, including nitrogen reagents, deicers, and anti-icers.
Our corncob-based products are sold into industrial markets for use as blast cleaners, polishers, absorbents, and carriers. These products are also sold into the oil and gas industry for solidification, stabilization, and remediation purposes.
As one of the most trusted names in the industry, we offer a complete line of bedding, nesting, and enrichment products aimed at making an unnatural environment more natural.
Specializing in cat litter, animal bedding, and environmental enrichment, our line of pet products and contract services supports small animals, reptiles, chickens, horses, and more.

We provide next-generation fertilizers, soil amendments, and control products to the golf, sports turf, lawn and landscape, and horticulture markets throughout the U.S. and around the world.
On The Andersons Home and Garden, we've hand-picked some of our best-performing lawn and garden products used by professionals around the world and made them available to homeowners through online purchase.
Lawnbox delivers 100% organic, professional-grade products that are OMRI Listed®, environmentally friendly, and safe for kids and pets, right to your front door. The suite of residential products can be purchased as a subscription or à la carte.